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       齐鲁工业大学, 海洋仪器仪表研究所, 助理研究员


(1) 2016-09 至 2020-07, 中国海洋大学, 智能信息与通信系统, 博士
(2) 2004-09 至 2007-07, 辽宁石油化工大学, 检测技术与自动化装置, 硕士
(3) 2000-09 至 2004-07, 辽宁石油化工大学, 测控技术与仪器, 学士


2020-07 至 今, 齐鲁工业大学, 海洋仪器仪表研究所, 助理研究员



(1) 山东省自然科学基金委, 山东省自然科学基金面上项目, zr2021md070, 基于云模型量子遗传算法的海上异构智能体协同编队控制研究, 2022-01 至 2024-12, 10万元, 在研, 主持
(2) 北京蔚海明祥科技有限公司, 横向, 01-23-23, 小型潜器的精密导航与通讯系统开发, 2023-01 至2023-12, 140万元, 结题, 主持
(3) 青岛市科技局与天津大学海洋技术研究院, 青岛市海洋工程与技术智库联合基金项目, 20211119-1,多功能水下智能检测机器人, 2021-11 至 2022-05, 125万元, 结题, 主持



• 代表性论文:

1.wan junhe; he bo; shen yue; liu wenqian; ding xin; gao shuang. heading multi-mode control based on soft-switching for autonomous underwater vehicle, ocean engineering, 2018, 164:672-682 (期刊论文)
2. junhe; he bo; wang dianrui; yan tianhong; shen yue. fractional-order pid motion control for auv using cloud-model-based quantum genetic algorithm, ieee access, 2019, 7: 124828-124843 (期刊论文)
3.wan junhe; liu hailin; yuan jian; shen yue; zhang hao; wang haoxiang; zheng yi. motion control of autonomous underwater vehicle based on fractional calculus active disturbance rejection. journal of marine science and engineering, 2021, 9(11): 1-24 (期刊论文)
4.wan junhe; zheng yi; li yanping; he bo; li hui; lv bin; wang yinglong. multi-strategy fusion based on sea state codes for auv motion control. ocean engineering, 2022, 248: 1-13 (期刊论文)
5.于振; 万俊贺; 刘海林; 裘祖荣; 王志远. 基于igcf算法和csf-ppso-esn算法的工业机器人末端执行器位姿重复性检测, 仪器仪表学报, 2023, 44(6): 43-53 (期刊论文) (通讯作者 )
6.jian yuan; hailin liu; junhe wan; hui li; wenxia zhang combined depth and heading control and experiment of rov under the influence of residual buoyancy, current disturbance, and control dead zone. journal of field robotics, 2022
7.lei kou; junhe wan; hailin liu; wende ke; hui li; jie chen; zhen yu; quande yuan. optimized design of patrol path for offshore wind farms based on genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization with traveling salesman problem. concurrency and computation: practice and experience, 2023
8.jie chen; hailin liu; bin lv; chao liu; xiaonan zhang; hui li; lin cao; junhe wan. research on an extensible monitoring system of a seafloor observatory network in laizhou bay. journal of marine science and engineering, 2022, 10(8): 1051-1051
dianrui wang; wan junhe; yue shen; ping qin; bo he. hyperparameter optimization for the lstm method of auv model identification based on q-learning. journal marine science and engineering , 2022, 10(8): 1-20.  scie.
10.li yanping; huang xiangdong; zheng yi; gao zhongke; kou lei; wan junhe. howling detection and suppression based on segmented notch filtering. sensors, 2021, 21(23): 1-19.  scie.
11.wang dianrui; shen yue; wan junhe; sha qixin; li guangliang; chen guanzhong; he bo.  sliding mode heading control for auv based on continuous hybrid model-free and model-based reinforcement learning. applied ocean research, 2021,118: 1-14. scie.
12.袁健; 万俊贺; 张文霞; 刘海林; 张浩.an underwater thruster fault diagnosis simulator and thrust calculation method based on fault clustering. journal of robotics, 2021, 2021: 1-8

(1) 万俊贺; 李辉; 寇磊; 刘海林 ; 异构无人系统三维空间编队控制方法, 2022-10-25, 中国,zl202210390.5888 (专利)
(2) 万俊贺; 郑轶; 刘海林 ; 一种基于云模型量子遗传算法的异构智能体编队控制方法, 2022-08-30, 中国, zl202011477297.2 (专利)
(3) 王贺; 万俊贺; 刘凯; 李辉; 寇磊; 袁健 ; 水下机器人路径跟踪控制方法, 2022-9-9, 中国,zl202210796832.3 (专利)
(4) 于振; 万俊贺; 刘海林; 寇磊; 李辉 ; 基于双目立体视觉的水下机器人自主避障系统及方法, 2023-11-30, 中国, cn202311615705.x (专利)
(5) 于振; 万俊贺; 刘海林; 寇磊; 李辉 ; 一种用于浒苔跟踪的无人船组合导航系统及导航方法, 2023-12-05, 中国, cn202311648169.3 (专利)
(6) 何波; 万俊贺; 沈钺; 李红佳; 尹青青 ; 基于海况等级切换的多策略融合auv运动控制方法, 2020-8-11, 中国, zl 2019 1 0084030.8 (专利)
(7)刘海林; 于剑锋; 韩明智; 万俊贺; 吕斌; 刘敏; 冉祥涛.一种分体式有缆海床基浮体定位跟踪系统及跟踪方法.2023-8-30, 中国, cn202311099071.7
(8) 万俊贺(3/3); 水下自航式靶标系统关键技术研发与应用, 青岛市人民政府, 科技进步, 其他,2022(郝宗睿; 任万龙; 万俊贺) (科研奖励)


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